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Madeline Layne

Tour Dates:
Manhattan May 30-31 2024
One hour VIP US$800
One hour: avail when touring only US$700
90 minutes VIP US$1,000
90 minutes US$900
Two hours VIP US$1,400
Two hours US$1,300
VIP lunch: three hours US$1,800
Lunch: three hours US$1,700
VIP dinner: four hours US$2,000
Dinner US$1,900

One hour VIP US$700 (Please add $50 Uber fee if outside of Philly)
One hour— Philly only US$600 *Only avail in Philly (not KOP, not tours)*
90 minutes VIP US$900 (Please add $50 Uber fee if outside of Philly)
90 minutes US$800 (Please add $50 Uber fee if outside of Philly)
Two hours VIP US$1,300 (Please add $50 Uber fee if outside of Philly)
Two hours US$1,200 (Please add $50 Uber fee if outside of Philly)
VIP lunch: three hours US$1,700
Lunch: three hours US$1,600
VIP dinner: four hours US$1,900
Dinner: four hours US$1,800

Service Type:     Escort  

Availability:     FMTY  

Caters To:     Men  

Body Type:
Breast Size:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Based in:  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Email: madelinelayne@protonmail.com

Website: madelinelayne.com

We probably have plenty of life experience in common, as I am a mature companion and you are hopefully 30 plus or an old soul as well.

In past incarnations, I have been an adjunct instructor and a stripper. This little "sabbatical" is about me choosing to have more of what I want in my life (passion, adventure, free time, travel, financial security) and less of what I don't want (early mornings, grading, frumpy clothes.)

Perhaps you can relate. If you are making passion a priority again in your life and want to unwind in the company of a kind and non-judgmental companion, you're safe with me. Telling an escort like me a secret is like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it into the ocean.
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