Membership Renewal

If you were a member prior to April 2021 you need to reapply here. We CANNOT renew you.

Your Membership needs to be renewed yearly.

Renewing your RS2K Membership costs just $25 per year, and it's quick and easy. It's also a great time to update any information so that your verifications can be handled quickly and discretely. Renewals are processed Mon.-Fri. from 9am - 9pm and Sat.-Sun. 11am - 4pm, but it may take up to 48 hours to complete.

Please Note: Membership does NOT auto-renew and the renewal fee is not a recurring charge. Once your Membership has been renewed there are no refunds.

Fill out the form below to renew your Membership.

Feel free to contact us anytime you have a question or concerns.

All information is required.

First Name
Enter your First Name.
Last Name
Enter your Last Name.
Your City
Enter your City.
Your State
Enter your State.
       Your Age
Enter your Age.
Your Email
Enter your Email.
Contact Phone
Enter your Phone.
Other Information

Yearly Membership Renewal Fee is $25.00
Payment is processed manually and is NOT auto-recurring.

Credit Card Information:
Which credit card?
Credit Card Number:
Enter credit card number.
Expiration date
   CVV #:
Enter a valid CCV#
   Zip Code:
Your zip code
Authorize this payment.
Authorize this payment of $25
There are no refunds on Renewals.
Please complete the reCAPTCHA.

Please Note:
Renewals are processed
Mon. - Fri. 9am - 9pm CST
Sat. - Sun. from 11am - 4pm CST