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Ms Sarah

Sensual Massage 400
Nuru 450

Date 800/hr

Service Type:     Escort  FMSM  Virtual

Availability:     Incall  Outcall  FMTY  

Caters To:     Men  

Body Type:
Breast Size:
Extra Large
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Based in:  Orlando, Florida

Email: gstatebb@gmail.com

Website: gstatebb.com

I'm cosmopolitan, erudite, good conversationalist & great listener, artistic, spiritual, outdoorsy, soulful, passionate. I'm down to earth and easy to connect with. I have a warm engaging personality and a great sense of humor.

But there is another side to me. As an elegant companion, my unique style is versatile enough to blend with any occasion whether sophisticated, casual or sporty. I have acquired a balance of skills that combine spirituality and sensually. While there is no denying that I am fatally seductive, respect, honesty and integrity are virtues that live within my heart.

Traveling domestically and internationally opens my mind, broadens my horizons, and lets me taste the exotic. But most importantly, it brings me closer to You.

As someone who’s naturally curious, I’m eager to find out what pleasure and intimacy mean to you. Perhaps it’s fine dining and deep conversation. Maybe it’s privacy and pillow talk. We may only need an evening of exquisite connection, or perhaps a longer rendezvous to satisfy all your intimate desires. I’m ready to discover your definition. And if you’ll let me, I’d like to show you the difference my company can make to your idea of pure fulfillment.

I am available for sponsored tours to other areas for a 2-4hr minimum depending on distance.

Fly me to you Dates:
Within the US: 4hr Dinner Date minimum plus air and hotel.
International: 24hr Overnight minimum plus air and hotel.
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